Sunday, October 13, 2013

Deer Deco Re-do

Have you ever heard of LTD Commodities?

If you have not, don't look it up.  That is your only warning.

I had a small LTD Commodities addiction a while back.  Everything is so freaking cute, and it's redonkulously cheap.  Ugh.  I shouldn't even be talking about it.

I purchased this adorable set of iron reindeer for like $6.99 or something.  They are actually Christmas decorations, but I loved them so much that I keep them out all year around.

I totally love them. Like, a lot.

But there is one problem: They just don't really stand out no matter where I put them. They are so dark that you can't see them!

One of my favorite things about stuff like this is that you can change it quickly and affordably. Can I get a 'spray paaaint!' I decided to change them. I grabbed my trusty Valspar primer in white.

And gave the deer a couple of light coats

They look so cute now! And your eyes can't help but go right to them.

I don't think they will stay right here. But this is where they were and I haven't found a new spot yet.
What have you been spray painting lately?

Linking up to some of my favorite parties!


Momprojects said...

These are really cute! White spray paint is such a miracle worker, nice job! Thanks for the inspiration! I found you on Alderberryhill . If you get time check out the storage bench I posted :)

Momprojects said...

These are really cute! White spray paint is such a miracle worker, nice job! Thanks for the inspiration! I found you on Alderberryhill . If you get time check out the storage bench I posted :)