Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Today I went 'blog jumping'.  Blog jumping is where you visit a blog, find something interesting that is linked up to another blog, visit that blog, and so on and so forth.  You can find some gloriously awesome bloggers, projects and parties this way!

Anyways, while I was blog jumping, I came across a blog series put on by The Nesting Place called 31 Days 2013!   The challenge is posed to blog about something for 31 days strait and link it up to the party so other 31 Dayers can find you. 

This sounded like an awfully fun challenge, but of course, me being me, I didn't find it until two days before it's completion.  **boo hiss**  I've marked my calendar for next year's challenge, but it's a loooong ways away!

Lucky me, I continued to blog jump.  Did you know what I've been blogging for appx five years now and I didn't know what NaBloPoMo was?  What the???!  And lo and behold, my disappointment over missing the challenge was quickly turned to discover that the official NaBloPoMo was beginning in November!  NaBloPoMo is sort of similar to the 31 day challenge in that you need to post in your blog every single day for that month.

So, bring it on NaBloPoMo!  (I just really like saying it!) And be sure to visit BlogHer for more information if you want to participate too!  There are even prizes! 

Happy Blogging!

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