Monday, November 4, 2013

Tough Day

My old dog is not feeling so well this morning.  Saturday he was his usual self, jumping and running and being his typical, goofy, senior Labrador self.  Today he doesn't want to move.

I'm trying to remain positive about it.  For a nearly teenage Lab, we've been very blessed to have a healthy dog with many more good days than bad.  But when Jacob does have a bad day, it makes a girl feel just aweful for him. 

Jacob has always had pretty good hips and a solid structure.  But when he tweaks his back or neck, it affects his body entirely.  He recently began veterinary strength supplements to help keep him feeling good, but until those kick in and he learns that he cannot play like a puppy all the time anymore, we'll have to take it slow.

I'd hoped to give you all a great, happy Monday morning post today.  But my heart is not in it.  I am having difficulty focusing at work because my anxiety over my poor old puppy is dragging on me. 
I will be sure to update you tomorrow.  Until then, I'll leave you with this photo of my silly Jacob taken over the summer.

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